Hai semuanya! Bagaimana kabarnya? Semoga sehat selalu ya.. selama masa karantina di rumah aja, kulit aku jadi kering banget nih, mungkin penyebabnya adalah karena seharian aku terpapar AC. Nah, jadi di post kali ini aku mau memperkenalkan kalian dengan salah satu produk skincare yang sudah aku gunakan secara rutin selama dua minggu terakhir, yaitu SNP Prep Peptaronic Serum.
Hi, how are you guys? I hope you're all safe and well! My skin has been insanely dry since the beginning of the quarantine. Well, I've spent way too long inside an air-con room, and I think it's probably the cause of my skin problems during this quarantine. So, today I'm going to introduce you guys to one of the skincare products that I've been using for the past two weeks.. SNP Prep Peptaronic Serum.
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