Sunday, January 18, 2015

Review: MakeOver Liquid Lip Color - Hazelnut & Drop-dead Pink

Hello everyone~! I just realized that I have never reviewed any products from local brands on this blog before. So, today I am going to review these two lippies from MakeOver, which is one of my favorite local beauty brands.

So, the MakeOver Liquid Lip Color is available in 13 gorgeous shades to try.
And as you guys can see, I bought mine in Hazelnut and Drop-dead Pink.

Well.. I bought these lippies only for IDR. 75.000 each, at their official counter in a department store around 3 months ago.

This product comes in a sturdy transparent plastic tube with a twist cap, which is travel-friendly. And it contains 5 ml of the product inside.

It has a standart wand applicator that we could usually find in a lip gloss. And to be honest, I think this applicator is not really that great for precise application.

Each shade is highly pigmented and buildable, it also has a sweet scent that smells like vanilla cake - which is not too overpowering.

Well, the color that you get on your lips matches perfectly to the color that you see in the tube.
It has a glossy finish, that is why it does not make your lips dry. And unfortunately it is a little bit sticky at first--but not as sticky as lip gloss. It also easily transfers to cups and such. But the color stays on for about 3 to 4 hours - without eating or drinking.

left : gradient lips | right : full lips

I am not a huge fan of lip gloss, because I did not like glossy lips that much.. But these ones are still okay for me, since these are not too glossy and heavy on my lips--yeah although it is still a bit sticky, duh!

And oh, I think both of these shades that I picked out are so gorgeous and wearable! And yeah the gradient lips style is definitely my favorite, because it looks more natural for my daily makeup look kkk~

So, have you tried these lippies before ? And which shade is your favorite?

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day, girls ^^

See ya~ 


  1. belum pernah coba la..
    warna nya bagus2 yaa :3

  2. Those are both so pretty! I really like the pink. ^_^

  3. kukira hasilnya bakalan matte ky lip lacquer gt la, trnyata ga beda jauh sama lip gloss ya >.<
    aku belum pernah coba produk iniii , tp yg pink bagus la warnanya :D

    1. Iya ini hasilnya agak glossy ce, tp gak se-glossy lip gloss + ini warnanya lebih pigmented drpd lip gloss hehe ^^

  4. warnanya bgs jg ya La, tp sygnya aku ga gt suka sm yg lengket" gini >_<

    1. Iya ini sayangnya agak lengket dikit ce >_<

  5. hazelnutnya bagus la~ cuma aku juga ga suka pakai yg lengket2 hehehe

    1. Iya ce sama, aku jg ga suka >< Yg ini agak lengket tapi ga terlalu parah sih hehe :D

  6. Wah warnanya bagus la. Blas belum pernah coba2 make over selain concealer paletnya. Lain kali kudu lbh sering main ke counter2 lokal :)

  7. i like the lip color they are nice. I am following your blog, please follow back.

  8. Kemasan bagus untuk brand lokal yah. Yang Pink nya manteb warna nya, sama cin daku gak suka yag glossy macam tuh lahhh, hahhaa
    Btw, Main ke blog daku yooOoo :D

  9. I like Hazelnut the best <3

  10. sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget hazelnut! <3

  11. warnanya cantik banget ka, thank u ka lala buat reviewnya
