Hi everyone! How are you? Ah I seriously miss you guys so much!! *virtual hug*.
Umm I just realized that I have so many pending posts in my draft, and I will try my best to finish them as soon as I can, because I feel like being in debt right now LOL. Well.. I am truly deeply sorry for the delays, because I have been severely neglecting my blog for these past few months ugh - I will probably tell you guys more on a separate post, because I have a lot of things to tell kkk~ But yeah now I am glad to tell you guys that I am on a long holiday woohoo~!
And as you can read from the title of this post above, today I am going to share about my spa experience at Lineage Mom & Baby Medical Spa Surabaya last month, and I will post in two languages - English and Bahasa. ^^
So.. ce Shelvi was contacted by Lineage Spa last month, then she kindly invited two of her Blogger friends - me and ce Widya - to join her to try their spa treatments. Thank you ce! And the three of us visited the Lineage Spa on Saturday - November 8th, 2014.
Jadi ce Shelvi dihubungi oleh Lineage Spa bulan lalu, dan dia dibolehin ngajak dua teman Blogger lainnya untuk ikutan nyobain spa bareng, yaitu aku dan ce Widya. Makasih ce! Dan kita bertiga kesana pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 8 November 2014.
Actually Lineage Spa is located on the 3rd floor inside Total Life Clinic, which is a well-known clinic for mother and child in Surabaya.
Lineage Spa ini terletak di dalam Total Life Clinic, klinik kandungan yang lumayan terkenal di Surabaya, tepatnya di lantai 3.
Lineage Spa claimed that they are the first Mom and Baby Medical Spa in Indonesia. And they provide a wide range of services - which is mainly devoted for mother and child, such as Homecare, Spa treatment, Parenting, Hypnobirthing, and Treatment products.
Lineage Spa mengklaim kalau mereka adalah spa medikal untuk ibu dan anak pertama di Indonesia. Selain spa, mereka juga menyediakan pelayanan-pelayanan lain seperti perawatan untuk wanita hamil pada masa-masa menjelang persalinan, pasca melahirkan, dan lain lain.
Front desk.
Actually this place is not too large but it is very cozy, and all the staffs are very nice and friendly.
So.. now let me take you guys on a short tour inside Lineage Spa~!
And oh, just for your information.. some pictures without my watermark on this post were taken by ce Shelvi (www.xiaovee.com). Thanks a lot! ^^
Sebenernya tempat ini nggak terlalu luas, tapi lumayan nyaman. Semua staff nya baik dan ramah pula. Sebelum spa dimulai, yuk keliling bentar~!
Oya beberapa foto yang ada di post ini aku ambil dari blog nya ce Shelvi yaa ^^
Baby swim area.
Baby swimming is an amazing exercise, and it is so good for babies~
Area berenang untuk bayi ini adalah salah satu fasilitas yang disediakan oleh Lineage, latihan berenang untuk bayi sangat bagus untuk pertumbuhan mereka lho.

Mini hair salon.
They provide a comb and a hair dryer, so you can dry and brush your hair after the spa treatment here. And actually this hair salon is intended for pregnant women to wash her hair, but they also provide some hair treatments for non-pregant women, such as Hair Shine Spa and Tutti-Fruity Hair Relaxant.
Di salon mini ini kalian bisa mengeringkan dan menyisir rambut setelah spa. Sebenernya salon ini sih ditujukan untuk wanita hamil dan ibu-ibu pasca melahirkan yang memang tidak bisa untuk keramas sendiri, tapi juga ada perawatan rambut lainnya bagi yang sedang nggak hamil kok, contohnya seperti Hair Shine Spa dan Tutti-Fruity Hair Relaxant.
VIP Room - European style.
There are three VIP rooms and each room has a different theme, but this one is my favorite of all the three! The interior design of this room is so luxury and elegant.
Disini ada tiga ruangan VIP dan masing-masing ruangan mempunyai tema yang berbeda-beda, tapi yang paling kusuka sih ruangan gaya Eropa ini, kesannya benar-benar mewah dan indah.
VIP Room - Japanese style.
This couple room is designed for two people, so this is the perfect room for you if you want to do a spa treatment together with your best friend / sister / mom - daughter~
Kalau ruangan ala Jepang yang satu ini memang dirancang untuk dua orang, jadi kamu bisa spa barengan sama sahabat, saudara, anak atau mama mu. Pasti seru~
VIP Room - Indonesian style.
The interior design of this room is the most simple than two other VIP rooms, but it still looks nice and cozy la.
Ruangan yang terakhir ini memang nggak se-megah yang pertama atau kedua.. Ruangan ala Indonesia yang satu ini emang lebih simpel, tapi yang pasti tetep nyaman dan keliatan bagus lah.
Standart Room.
There are four beds in this standart room. Sauna and shower are also available.
Di ruangan standar ini terdapat empat kasur dan dindingnya bisa digeser untuk disesuaikan dengan permintaan pengunjungnya (mau sendirian / berdua / bertiga / berempat).
Before we start the spa treatment, there are some procedures that we should follow, such as fill in our personal data, check our blood pressure, and check our weight.
Sebelum memulai spa, kita diharuskan untuk mengisi data-data diri, memeriksa tekanan darah dan juga menimbang berat badan. Hal-hal seperti ini penting nih bagi wanita yang sedang hamil~
Then they told us to choose the ingredients for our body scrub and body mask~
- Oatmeal / Gandum : Moisturizing for sensitive skin (Melembabkan untuk kulit sensitif).
- Coconut milk / Santan : Soften the skin (Melembutkan kulit).
- Coffee / Kopi : Remove dead skin cells (Mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati).
- Green tea / Teh hijau : Freshen up the skin (Menyegarkan kulit).
- Chocolate / Coklat : Brighten the skin (Mencerahkan kulit).
- Milk / Susu : Brighten the skin (Mencerahkan kulit).
And I chose Milk and Green tea~
Lalu kita disuruh memilih bahan yang kita mau untuk digunakan sebagai bahan utama dari lulur dan masker badan kita nantinya. Aku memilih susu dan teh hijau~
Then we just played rock-paper-scissors to determine the room kkk~ Ce Shelvi won and she chose the European-style, while I chose the Japanese-style one, but unfortunately the jacuzzi in the Indonesian-style room was broken at that time, that is why at the end I shared a room with ce Widya in the Japanese-style VIP room.
Kita bertiga main gunting-batu-kertas untuk nentuin ruangannya, ce Shelvi yang menang pertama dan dia milih ruangan yang ala Eropa, sedangkan aku milih ruangan ala Jepang. Sayangnya jacuzzi di ruangan ala Indonesia lagi rusak, jadi akhirnya aku barengan sama ce Widya di ruangan ala Jepang.
The interior design of this VIP room is so cozy and Japanesy LOL! It is very traditional and it feels homey, especially with those Japanese furniture.. Ah it makes me feel like I am in Japan kkk~
Ruangan bergaya Jepang ini sangat nyaman dan kerasa Jepang banget! Apalagi ada perabotan ala Jepang nya, jadi berasa kayak lagi di dalam rumah tradisional di Jepang nih hihi *ngarep*.
And do not worry about the hygiene issue, because they really concern about hygiene and the health of their customers. Even the bedsheet and the pillowcase are disposable~
Jangan khawatir tentang masalah kebersihan disini, karena mereka sangat peduli dengan kebersihan dan kesehatan pengunjungnya kok, bahkan sprei dan sarung bantalnya aja hanya sekali pakai.
And they also provide a disposable body towel, underwear, and hair cap. And of course you can take them home if you want.
Mereka juga menyediakan handuk, kemben, celana dalam, dan penutup kepala yang hanya sekali pakai. Itu semua juga bisa dibawa pulang kok.
Well.. this Relaxing Body Spa treatment that I have tried is one of their treatments for non-pregnant women, and it took me more than three hours to finish this whole spa treatment.
Mereka juga menyediakan perawatan spa bagi wanita yang nggak hamil, salah satunya yaitu spa yang aku coba ini. Spa ini membutuhkan waktu lebih dari tiga jam, mungkin karena kebanyakan foto-foto kali ya.. Kata mbak terapisnya, spa ini normalnya selesai sekitar dua hingga tiga jam.
1. Swedish Body Massage
The therapist is highly experienced and well trained. This body massage took an hour, and it was so relaxing.. She massaged me from head to toe!
Um well..Since this spa is more to the medical treatment, that is why she also did some basic physical checks, such as no signs of breast cancer, etc. And for pregnant women, her fetus also will be examined to make sure it is normal.
And oh you can also buy the massage oil - which they claimed 100% organic (can be eaten), non preservative, colorant-free and fragrance-free.. So it is safe for pregnant women, breastfeed mother and babies.
Mbak terapisnya bener-bener udah ahli dan berpengalaman, aku dipijat dari ujung kepala hingga ujung kaki selama satu jam, enak banget pijatannya~
Berhubung spa ini lebih ke arah medisnya, jadi selama dipijat terapisnya juga akan mengecek kesehatan kita, barangkali ada benjolan gejala kanker payudara, kaki bengkok, dan sebagainya. Bagi yang sedang hamil akan dicek juga letak janinnya.
Oya, mereka juga menjual minyak pijat yang digunakan saat spa ini yang katanya 100% organik tanpa pengawet, pewarna, dan pewangi yang aman untuk bayi, ibu hamil, dan ibu menyusui. Kata mbak terapisnya itu juga bisa diminum o__O
It took around 20 minutes and I sweated a lot~
Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan sauna selama dua puluh menit.
As I said above, I chose milk and green tea as the ingredients for my body scrub and body mask. And oh yeah it smells like milk tea hmmm~ ❤️
Seperti yang udah aku bilang tadi, aku milih susu dan teh hijau untuk scrub badan dan masker badan ku, baunya serius enak banget, kayak milk tea hmmm~ ❤️
For the kids, actually the therapist highly recommend to choose the chocolate and milk, because it smells yummy and you can lick it.. for real! O M to the G! - umm not for the mask, more precisely.. only the scrub - since the scrubs are made from grains, so it is safe to eat.
Untuk anak-anak bisa nyobain yang campuran coklat dan susu karena katanya itu bisa dijilat lho OMG! Tapi jangan maskernya ya, yang bisa dimakan itu cuma scrubnya doang, soalnya butiran scrubnya itu terbuat dari biji-bijian yang aman kalo misalnya nggak sengaja kemakan (atau emang sengaja nyobain LOL.)
The therapist mixed the ingredients for my body scrub and body mask with warm water. Then she applied the scrub all over my body, and she gently rubbed the scrub after it half dried. After that, she applied a layer of body mask very evenly.
Mbaknya nyampur scrub dan maskernya dengan air hangat, lalu scrubnya diratain ke seluruh badanku. Setelah setengah kering, mbaknya menggosok kulitku hingga scrubnya rontok berjatuhan. Lalu dia mengaplikasikan masker ke seluruh badanku.
It was great but unfortunately I could not stay too long, because ce Widya was waiting for me and we have to use the bath tub interchangeably, that is why I did not want to make her wait too long kkk~
Sayangnya aku nggak bisa lama-lama mandi dan mainan air, soalnya kan aku harus gantian sama ce Widya, kasian kalau dia nunggu kelamaan hehe~
And they also served some coconut biscuits for us, along with a cup of hot tea for me and hot milk for ce Widya omnomnom~
Mereka juga nyediain biskuit dan minuman untuk kita berdua. Aku minta teh panas dan ce Widya minta susu panas nyamnyam~
Here is my selca with ce Shelvi, but unfortunately I do not have any pictures with ce Widya >_<
Selca bareng ce Shelvi~ Sayangnya waktu itu aku nggak sempet foto bareng ce Widya >_<
I literally felt so relaxed and recharged after this spa treatment, and I recommend you to visit this place if you want to pamper yourself and enjoy your me-time, it is really worth it~
For more information and pricelist, please contact them! ^^
Aku ngerasa rileks dan berasa kayak baterai yang abis diisi ulang setelah spa hehe~
Aku merekomendasikan kalian buat datang kesini kalau kalian lagi capek atau pengen memanjakan diri. Dan untuk keterangan harga dan informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi mereka ya ^^
Thanks Lineage Spa for having us~!
Total Life Clinic - 3rd Floor
Jl. Bogowonto No. 16
Pin BB : 7FD32059
Web : www.lineagespa.com
Facebook : Lineage Mom and Baby Medical Spa
Opening Hours :
Senin - Sabtu : 10.00 - 18.00
Minggu : 10.00 - 15.00
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day ^^

Baca ini jd pengen spa lagi ya La XD
ReplyDeleteOh wow! Sounds like you had a great time! ^_^ Glad to see you back, though!!! *hugs*
ReplyDeletewah la enak banget, sayang di jakarta ga ada yaa,,jadi pengen cobba nih :(
ReplyDeleteakhirnya Lala post juga ..
ReplyDeleteliburan bisa rajin ngeblog lagi ya La ?
aku kek nya mau spa lagi nih di bulan" ini sama dua org tmn ku, mereka berhasil tak racunin kesini lol
This place looks really pretty and relaxing <33
Spaaaaaa~ I've been craving a spa day. I've never actually had a full spa treatment ...or anything close, professionally wise. *Sigh* One day!