Saturday, June 14, 2014

DIY: Milk Facial Mask

Hello everyone~
Today I am back with a new DIY post to all of you, and this time I am going to reveal one of my beauty secrets to get an instant brightening effect for your dull skin with natural ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen, which is very affordable!

To make this homemade facial mask, you only need :
Milk, honey, facial cotton pads, bowl, and spoon.

Actually milk has a lot of good benefits for your skin.. to nourishes and soften the skin, exfoliates dead skin cells, deep cleansing pores, prevent premature aging, reduce skin irritation, and make the skin look more radiant. No wonder why Cleopatra was known for her beauty and flawless skin, I think it is because of her milk bath~

Well, I highly recommend you to use the cold milk from refrigerator for a nice cooling effect on your face. Just pour some cold milk in a bowl, and add 1 tbsp of honey.
Mix it well~~

And soak 5 - 6 facial cotton pads in the milk and honey mixture, until all the mixture is absorbed to the cotton pads. You can also use more cotton pads and just feel free to add more milk if needed, so it depends on your face.

Take a soaked cotton pad, and split each cotton pad in half to make it thinner~

Then just lightly stretch and pull all the cotton pads, please be careful because they rip apart easily ugh!

And apply them on your entire face one by one~

This facial mask has a nice cooling effect, which is very relaxing! And leave the mask on your face for about 10 to 15 minutes, then peel it off, and rinse with water.
I guarantee you will see a noticeable difference on your face, this mask really helps to brighten your dull face and gives a healthy glow! And your face will feel fresh, soft, and smooth.. umm well.. at least that is how I feel kkk~

I recommend you to use this mask once a week, and oh actually you can also use a compressed sheet mask if you want, I think it is easier and faster to use than cotton pads, but I still prefer to use the cotton pads hehe ^^

I hope this helps, and let me know if you give this a try in the comment section below!

Thank for reading and have a lovely day <3

See ya~ 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes you should! And let me know what you think when you try it :D

  2. nice tips la, tapi kadang masker susu untuk beberapa orang kurang cocok, bisa timbul bruntusan n gatel.. tergantung kondisi kulit masing2 juga sih yaa..
    wajahmu jd cerahan ya ^^

    1. Yup tepat sekaliiiii kak Dewie wkwk, emang balik lagi tergantung kulit masing2 ya.. jadi cocok2an juga sih >< Tapi untung aja meski kulitku sensitif tapi oke2 aja hihi :D

  3. Thanks for this tip!! Mmmmm I think i will try it! >///<!!
    Have a nice day Lala

    1. You're welcome dear! Let me know what you think when you try it ^^

  4. boleh pake susu apa aja kah la? o.o tp kayaknya better susu yg tawar kayak bear brand itu ya?
    ngga lengket2 la?
    nice DIY <3

    1. Iya harus susu tawar ce, kalo pake yg manis apalagi yg ada rasa2 coklat gitu ntar malah jd apa muka kita wkwk :P Ini aku pake fresh milk yg merk Diamond ce, tp kalo pake bear brand atau ultra kayaknya jg bisa kok hehe..
      Gak lengket sama sekali kok, kan madunya dikit.. tp ntar pas maskernya udh dicopot emang agak lengket dikit sih, jd tetep harus dibilas sm air~ Thank you ce ^^

  5. Ha..madu dicampur susu apa ga lengket ya. Trus susunya jenis apa la? susu kental manis? susu bubuk? susu encer (bear brand)

    1. Harus pake susu cair tawar yaa, ini aku pake yg merk Diamond, tp kalo pake bear brand/ultra jg bisa kok hehe~ Gak lengket kok.. meskipun pake susu banyak madunya dikit aja (tetep 1 sdm doang), tp emang pas maskernya dicopot agak lengket dikit sih, jd hrs dibilas sm air ^^

    2. Oh, susu cair tawar ya.. La, enakan kamu pake tablet masker. Lebih praktis kalo pake itu. Kalo pake kapas lebih repot kan mau tempelin satu persatu.

    3. Iyaa tp kalo aku nyebutnya compressed sheet mask hehe, tuh kan emang udh kutulis diatas kalo sebenernya lbh cepet & praktis pake itu, tp aku pribadi lbh suka pake kapas sih hehe ^^

  6. wajahnya cerahnya bertahan berapa lama? seminggu biasanya berapa kali?

    1. Pakenya seminggu sekali aja.. Kalo di aku sih sampe besoknya masih tetap cerah kok, tp ya tergantung kulit kita masing2 sih, pakenya jg hrs rutin dan tetap dibantu dgn rajin pake produk2 skincare yg lain, jd ga bisa cuma maskeran aja ^^

  7. I've already tried this mask before haha and it's really nice but it made me somehow break out T T I don't if it's just a weird coincidence though >_< Thanks for this post though, the tip with the cotton pads was helpful ^^;;

    1. Ah I'm sorry to hear that >_< Yeah I heard that a milk facial mask may cause a break out for some people, but fortunately it did not make me break out phew~! Thanks a lot Mindy ^^

  8. Wah boleh dicoba nih :D biasanya pakai madu aja sih. Itu pakai susu apa?

    1. Iya aku juga sering pake madu doang :D Ini pake susu cair merk Diamond, terserah sih pake merk apa aja boleh yg penting susu cair tawar tanpa pemanis, perasa atau pewarna hehe ^^

  9. Nice DIY, i should try it too ^^
    thank you for sharing :D

  10. wow, i love to try! thanks for sharing!!!

  11. Really lovely tips!
    Thank you for sharing this tuto.
    have a fab sunday!

  12. kalau pakai tablet mask itu mungkin lebih praktis ya :)

    1. Iya sebenernya lebih cepet & ga ribet, tp kalo aku pribadi sih lebih suka pake kapas entah kenapa haha xD

  13. nice info :)
    pengen coba tapi takut breakout :(

    1. Makasih.. Hmm mungkin dicoba dulu aja sekali, barangkali aja jg cocok kayak aku hehe

  14. nice post...
    i usually combine oat, honey, and green tea for the mask..

    1. Wow that sounds great! Thanks for sharing ^^

  15. want to try it, it maybe will help me with my acne scars

  16. wow great diy tips...i will try this at home for sure!!

  17. A DIY brightening mask I am definitely going to try this today

  18. waah aku juga sering maskeran pake susu, tapi gak dicampur madu. mau coba ah yang dicampur madu! makasih yaa tipsnyaa ^^

  19. I've been trying to find out a little more about this kind of stuff, thanks for sharing |

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    Care Giver |
