Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tips: How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Do you want to get a pearly-white teeth? Yeeees, I do!
Well.. actually regular brushing and flossing are kinda helpful to achieve whiter teeth, but they are still not enough la. And yeah there are many ways that we can use to whiten our teeths, but unfortunately most of those professional whitening treatments are quite expensive for me ughh! So, today I am going to share this inexpensive natural home remedy to all of you~

Yup, strawberries contain a lot of malic acid and vitamin C.. Malic acid acts as an astringent which effectively helps in the removal of surface discoloration on your teeth, while vitamin C helps to whiten your teeth naturally by clearing away the dental plaque.

To make this natural whitening tooth cleanser, just mash up 2 clean strawberries to a pulp using a fork~

And add 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda~

Mix it well~
As you can see, the mixture will bubble slightly and the color of the mixture will change into reddish purpley black.

Dip your soft toothbrush into the mixture, and spread it to your teeth. Leave it on for about 3 to 5 minutes (and please do not leave it on your teeth for any longer than 5 minutes!). Then rinse and brush your teeth thoroughly with your regular toothpaste.
And oh, the strawberry seeds may get stuck on your teeth, so a dental floss will help to get rid of them.

Umm I think you can not really see the difference, but I noticed that my teeth look slightly whiter than before in real life kkk. And yeah it really helps to clear away the stains from coffee, soda or wine on your teeth!

And actually 2 strawberries are way too much for once usage, so I highly recommend you to only use 1 strawberry with a pinch of baking soda~

By the way.. please be more careful not to use this method too often, because the acid can damage the enamel on your teeth, so once a week is more than enough la. But since my teeth are quite sensitive, I use this method only once in a month.
And if you have any special and important occasions, like a first date or an interview,
I highly recommend you to try this quick and cheap method for a good first impression ^^

So, how do you whiten your teeth? Please share it with me <3

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day~

See ya~ 


  1. Wow~ I didn't know that Strawberries help in whiten teeth. I will definitely try this! :) Thanks; Lala. :) By they way, I followed you on GFC and Bloglovin'. Keep in touch. I'm excited to read more of your reviews! -Angel Mariel of

    1. You are welcome dear, hope this helps :) xx

  2. I knew about the baking soda, but not about strawberries. I'll try this method out for sure as soon as I the strawberries in my garden ripen :) Ty for sharing!

    1. You are welcome, and please let me know what you think when you try this method ^^

  3. I've heard about those two ingredients being able to help whiten teeth, but I've never thought of combining them. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to try it. ^^

  4. It does look a bit whiter to me. ^_^ I've tried baking soda before (with peroxide) and it was SO gross. I think I will try this instead. Thanks!

  5. you can also access more teeth whitening tips here

    they have helped me and my friends too

  6. thanks for the post,
    you can come and visit my blog for more tooth whitening tips at

  7. Wow, I'm surprised that for one application that really worked a lot!

  8. I once got professional whitening treatment at the dentist's but it was very diappointing. I guess my teeth aren't naturaly so white. I always use whitening toothpastes and it doesn't give much effect. I tried baking soda once and still nothing :C

  9. aku udah pernah liat kalo emang strawberry itu ampuh buat mutihin gigi,pengen coba sih cuman kadang males aja haha

  10. hai cie
    kalo aku juga pernah tapi that strawberry changed with lime bagiku sih emang berguna hasilnya keliatan bgt kalo beda tapi rasanya digigi ya ampun cenut" karena baking sodanya yang keras + lime yang asam

  11. Aku taunya buah strawbeery emang bisa memutihkan gigi. Caranya buah strawberry digosok-gosok doank di gigi. AKu pernah gosok langsung ke gigiku. Rasanya gigiku rada keset kayak abis makan buah.
    NAmun aku baru tau tips dari kamu kalau cara lain memutihkan gigi buah strwberry bisa dicampurin dengan baking soda. Makasi tipsnya la...

  12. thanks for the tip, definitely I´ll try it :)

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