Hello everyone!
Well.. my 19th birthday is next month. I want to celebrate it with you guys and share a little happiness, so here is a new giveaway to all of you yay~
Sorry this is not a spectacular giveaway, but I hope you guys still like it ^^
The lucky winner of this giveaway will receive Etude House Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion of the winner's choice, and I will buy the prize with my own money.
So, there are three different shades available.. #1 Magic Pink for pale skin, #2 Magic Mint for covering redness, and #3 Magic Peach for brightening. Actually I bought mine in Magic Mint and I will review it on my blog sometime next week, so please stay tuned ^^
Yeah this giveaway is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY, so everyone can participate!
And to enter this giveaway, you must follow this blog via GFC publicly and just fill out the Rafflecopter widget below~
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway will officialy end on April 20th (my birthday!) and I will randomly pick out the lucky winner. The winner will be contact via EMAIL and have 2 x 24 hours to respond or I will pick a new winner!
Please do not ever think to cheat, or you will be disqualified because I will definitely check all your entries one by one!

Good luck everyone~ 
Well.. my 19th birthday is next month. I want to celebrate it with you guys and share a little happiness, so here is a new giveaway to all of you yay~
Sorry this is not a spectacular giveaway, but I hope you guys still like it ^^
The lucky winner of this giveaway will receive Etude House Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion of the winner's choice, and I will buy the prize with my own money.
So, there are three different shades available.. #1 Magic Pink for pale skin, #2 Magic Mint for covering redness, and #3 Magic Peach for brightening. Actually I bought mine in Magic Mint and I will review it on my blog sometime next week, so please stay tuned ^^
Yeah this giveaway is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY, so everyone can participate!
And to enter this giveaway, you must follow this blog via GFC publicly and just fill out the Rafflecopter widget below~
This giveaway will officialy end on April 20th (my birthday!) and I will randomly pick out the lucky winner. The winner will be contact via EMAIL and have 2 x 24 hours to respond or I will pick a new winner!
Please do not ever think to cheat, or you will be disqualified because I will definitely check all your entries one by one!
And you can use the HTML code below for your sidebar ^^

ReplyDeleteI wanna see more post about k-food recipe :9
ReplyDeletesuka sama resep-resep yg kamu tulis, gampang di praktekin. banyakin lagi ya :D
ReplyDeleteI love reading more on beauty products review! but of course, your recipes are all nice and practical as I can do it even in my hostel. hehe
Love, Mira | http://lemieletlavanille.blogspot.com/
ternyata kamu masih unyuuu banget ya la :D
ReplyDeleteultah kita selisih 1 hari lho.. hihi ak tanggal 21 April *ga penting wkkw
aku suka semua yang ada di blog kamu, blog kamu random banget, aku suka baca2 resep masakan kamu apalagi masakan korea, terus suka juga sama kualitas foto-foto diblog kamu, tutorial, video..semuanya deh.. hihi
mungkin next time bisa diperbanyak postingannya, trs sharing ttg kehidupan real life kamu *kepo hahaha
wish me luck deh, semoga bisa menang dan jadi kado ultahku xixixi :D
thanks La :)
email : dewieaprillia@rocketmail.com
Deleteemail: laurensianatasha@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMore FOTD laa terutama yang k-pop inspired :)
aku suka sama review review kamu tentang beauty product :)
ReplyDeleteemail : rinirinudtabby@gmail.com
ReplyDeletetutorialll :D
email: jbungaw@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteyang aku suka dari blog kamu itu kalo kamu buat DIY atau kasih tau resep masakan korea >___< ayo bikin lagi posting atau video kamu lagi masak hihihi
wish me luck xoxo
laaa trnyata kita seumur XD
ReplyDeleteikutan yaa~
bkin DIY2 sama mask2an lagii hihi :D
aku coba ikutan yaaaa hihihih,,
ReplyDeletefeliciaputri@gmail.com, theliciouzcorner.blogspot.com
kamu lebih muda dari aku tapi tulisan2 di blog kamu keren banget :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more cooking posts since i cant really cook xD
Bcs you serve cooking posts (tutorial) clearly so I can follow the steps easily at home^.^)/ like your bibimbap post :D
And maybe about your fashion taste skali2 la ^.^)
Thank you for the giveaway La^^
Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see more haul posts and tutorials.
Email: marfusha1976@gmail.com
DeleteIkut ya laaa.... Wkwk...
I'd love to see more haul.. Tutorial.. Tips and trick :)
ReplyDeletewould to see your makeup tutorial, especially K-pop
Thank you for the giveaway
my email : vinaguntary@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHai .. suka bange blogmu karna termasuk lengkap selain product review, makeup tutorial ada juga beauty tipsnya juga ..
mungkin bisa bikin post tentang best product menurut kamu .. misal best lipstick atau best skin care dkk. ahhaha karna ngebantu banget buat aku kalau mau beauty item :) selain baca review suatu produk aku juga sering cari perbandingan antara 1 item dgn item lainnya .. that will help me so much ..
thanks ^^
My email: beautifyinglifee(at)hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more celebrity inspired makeup looks and maybe some outfits? :)
laaa, ikutan ya hehehee blom pernah menang GA mu nih, makanya ikutan mulu hehehee XD
ReplyDeleteaku paling suka baca DIY sama resep makanan Korea kamu, selalu bikin aku ngiler heheheee
kamu ternyata masih unyu banget yaaaa, tapi pinter masak hehehee salut ^_^b
Email: wind.atree@yahoo.com
Ikuuuuut ^^
ReplyDeleteBanyakin tutorial yaaa..
Purplesaxo@gmail.com ^^
Ikutan yaa~~
ReplyDeleteemail address : lalalovesleep@gmail.com
Mau banyakin tutorial, dong, la. Atau tips-tips make up yg simpel! :)
banyakin tutorial makeupnya dong cc , atau cc banyakin makeup tutorial yg buat kaya girl band korea gitu hihi
ReplyDeleteI'd be happy if you do more make-up reviews or hair care reviews :)
Hi Ade, I have been following you on Bloglovin for a long time but your GFC doesn't work--mine is the same way!!! I keep getting the same error message when I try to join. Can you provide the direct link to your blogger address? I can't join otherwise =( I hear that GFC isn't working this week for multiple people.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, this is the same error that people get on my blog when they try to join =(
DeleteWe're sorry...
We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later.
Eh really?? o__O
DeleteI think this is the easiest way to follow via GFC, go to your Blogger dashboard, and click the gray 'Add' button located on the left navigational bar under the "Reading List" section, and enter my blog URL. Please let me know if it works for you or not >__<
Yay it worked! That's such a pain though, stupid GFC >...<
Deletethanks for the tip girl!
more korean make up :)
lala, i cant copas your side bar code. because you locked your blog so everyone unable to copas yours .. any solution for this ? :) thank you
DeleteTo copy the HTML code, please click CTRL+C ^^
Deleteooh yes done as you said .. :D
Deleteok then last word..
wish me luck ! :p
Hi Lala, I joined your giveaway... Wish me luck...^^
ReplyDeleteI wanted te read more about review products of course....
I love your reviews! More skincare please. And tutorials are amazing too!
I _love_ your recipes! So, I would really like seeing more of those and haircare / hair tutorials, maybe? :)
ReplyDeleteElina | http://cupcake-kissesxo.blogspot.com
Oh darn, I forgot my e-mail: elina.wagner@gmail.com
DeleteI hope it counts! <3
ReplyDeleteMore haul posts please!! your hauls are always interesting! XD
ReplyDeleteI would love to see posts about skin care products and hauls.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAku suka semua postingan kamu terutama DIY Skincare. Tips DIY dari kamu ga bikin repot. Walau aku belom nyobain si, tapi suka aja bacanya. Alasan belom praktekin karena aku males ke supermarket beli bahan-bahannya. Lagian sering makan diluar tiap hari, sehingga ga punya bahan-bahan di dapur.
ReplyDeleteand I would love to see more reviews!
wah ternyata bener kehebatan seseorang tidak diukur dari umurnya... salut sama tutorial n review yang kamu buat la.. kayanya sebagai seorang newbie dalam dunia per-blog-an aku harus banyak belajar dari kamu deh,,, hehe
ReplyDeleteikutan ya giveaway nyaaaaaa,, wish me luck... :)
vanitizebaby@yahoo.com and i love makeup tutorials and of course giveaways !:)
ReplyDeleteditambahin tutorial sama FOTD suka sama post mu tentang itu hehe
hi Lala, join yaa^^
ReplyDeletemy email: lovadlina@gmail.com
I'd like to see more: tutorial! baik makeup maupun masakan :D
thank you! :)
Wonderful giveaway Lala!
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more recipes you enjoy making. Your beauty revies are always on point!
Wow thanks for the giveaway Lala, I've really wanted to try this for so long>.<
ReplyDeleteI love the variety of posts on your blog, but your makeup tutorials are always really great and fun to read! ^^ x
Email: emily.marysia.thomas@gmail.com
DeleteAmazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy gfc doesnt't work!(( Can i take part in competition if I follow via bloglovin?
This is the easiest way to follow my blog via GFC.. go to your Blogger dashboard, and click the gray 'Add' button located on the left navigational bar under the "Reading List" section, and enter my blog URL (www.adekumalaputri.com) Please let me know if it works or not ^^
Deleteerror: We're sorry...
DeleteWe were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later.
Hello! Happy Brithday ^_^ and thanks for the giveawai.
ReplyDeleteMy email is kaowaiistage@hotmail.com
I would like to see more reviews, I think they are very useful!! And also previews of new products from korean brands.
I want to see more comparison reviews :)
I'd love to see more reviews on Korean cosmetics))
ReplyDeleteemail: snow_2000@mail.ru
I'd love to see makeup tutorial and reviews on korean cosmetics
ReplyDeleteemail: lold76@hotmail.com
I would love to try the green one!
ReplyDeleteI forgot my email =.= [kayxox.nz@gmail.com]
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHappy early birthday! I would like to see more product reviews, and maybe some lifestyle posts? And my email is bookstersonya@gmail.com Thanks! XD
ReplyDeleteI don't want to get spammed by bots but my email is the correct one in my Rafflecopter account so you will have it :)
ReplyDeleteI would like to see more product reviews of new lines for spring from Skinfood and Etude House. :)
Email sonesinta@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI want to read more haul and cosmetic review hehe
Email: eskariyanti@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteBanyakin tutorial dan resep masakan dong ^_^
ReplyDeleteWould love to see monthly favourite posts^^
email: Xianyi1997@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletefavorite post disini itu tutorial sama DIY apalagi DIY buat jerawat seperti DIY dari pare, atau scrub buat bibir suka banget sama post yang kayak gitu jadi nambah pengetahuan buat aku gimana ngilangin jerawat ku hehe. thanks kak lala buat postingannya :)
kak follow via GFC kakak susah banget :(( gagal terus
Deleteaku udah tambahkan di dasbor blog semoga udah ke add ya kak :) tolong dicheck T.T
DeleteIya nih kayaknya tetep ga masuk, GFC ku lagi error soalnya hiks~ Ntar bbrp hari lagi tolong dicoba lagi ya, semoga udah gak error >___<
Deleteditamahkan berhasil tapi pas buka blog kak lala bagian GFC masih join this sites, alu coba tetep ga bisa :(
ReplyDeleteWould love to see reviews
ReplyDeleteI'd would love to read more reviews
ReplyDeleteI'd would love to read more reviews
hai lala join yah
aku suka sama tutorial kamu.
ReplyDeleteI want to see more post about hair and make up
For some time I read your posts. Your blog is really cool! Korean recipes is such a good idea tbh. Happy birthday~ ^^
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei think maybe some review local beauty products ^^
ReplyDeletethank you for this amazing giveaway!:D
aku pengen kamu memperbanyak post tentang tips dan diy gitu. Itu nambahin pengetahuan banget. kkk. terus resep resep makanan gak cuma makanan korea dong, sekali-kali makanan indo. xixixi
ReplyDeletei'd like to read your tips and recipes :)))))))))))))))
your recipes are simple to follow bc i just fond of cooking these days :)
ReplyDeletei like to see hair tutorials
ReplyDeleteLipstick reviews! ;)
Email: fb_asha@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more of product reviews.
Email: teagan.salter@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love product reviews! They really help me decide what products are best for me!
e-mail: flavia.esconde@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMake up tutorials
Email : ria_alemina@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI love to read about beauty tips and recipes.
Thank you for this giveaway! I'm a big fans Etude products so this is great for me! LOL
Email: claredmj@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteMakeup tips and makeup diy would be nice..
Email: ash.coolchik@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see makeup/shopping haul posts , they are nice to read :)
email : macriser2004@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteGFC : maria cristina cellerino
I'd be happy if you do more make-up reviews or hair care reviews ...thx for give
I really love hair care reviews :) veronicamurroni@yahoo.it
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more skincare reviews. Can you also do hauls please?
I hope to see more on tutorial.
I'd like to see more reviews :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your Tips and DIY sections! I always crave more tips and fun diy projects to take on during sundays. :)
ReplyDeleteaku mau tutoriallll XD
non ho mai provato questa marca, mi incuriosisce molto, vorrei il magic mint
ReplyDeleteciao dall'italia
thanks for chance!!! ^___^
love reviews of product's skin!!!
ReplyDeletemore reviews :)
ReplyDeleteMore hair reviews!
I like reviews, hauls and makeup collection posts. I like to look what other girls have :)
Product reviews.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see haul posts:)
I'd like to see more DIY posts! :)
ReplyDeleteEmail: kmmyp@live.com
Thanks for the opportunity! *_*
I would like to see more beauty products reviews from you ..
ReplyDeleteesp. for korean haul :)
my email: oliv.girly@gmail.com
More DIYs!
I would love to see some natural home remedies.
ReplyDeletemore reviews :3
ReplyDeleteI love reading all your posts :) I am a new subscriber so i am still exploring so cant tell what i want to see more of but i love posts about natural beauty products or beauty and make up products in general.
Also i love the design of your blog :)
I would like to see more for DIY stuffs ~ it can be for make up or fashion ... and some easy everyone can do food or dessert recipes ~ and not too forget more and more different cosmetics reviews ~
ReplyDeleteThank's for this giveaway
and advance birthday greeting from me "Happy B'dae Lala"
email : eunna.chae@gmail.com
ReplyDeletethanks for the giveaway! I'd love to see diy's and recipes!
ReplyDeletei'd like to see eye make up tutorial specially on brows
ReplyDeleteI would like to keep checking asian beauty product reviews! :)
ReplyDeletemore makeup tutorial please & haul post! because i love to see people haul :-D
Thanks for holding this giveaway <3
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see more beauty tips and maybe DIY stuff, or recipes!!! =D
ReplyDeleteHi Lala. Happy Birthday in advance to you. =)
Actually i'm a newbie in dressing up and make up on my own-self, so i always need some supportive info, tutorial and many review for me to continue my stuffs.. >< (low confident level)
And your post had actually help me a lot in that ways...Thank for your hardworks
Plz continue your review~ HA..Love it so much =)
*** I cant done the gfc stuff, but i follow thorugh blogger... isn't the same? anyway thank fot the giveway. =D
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehi! i want see more makeup tutorials and outfitts inspirations. pd. i love your blog
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see more reviews on cosmetics! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHappy birthday to Lala !
Joyeux anniversaire :">! :P
Hi! i love all the review of cosmetic; especially the label of korea :">. I really love etude house brand :> and i love you and your blog too. I hope you make more make up tutorials ^^!
Mungkin aku selama ini cuma jadi silent reader di Blog kamu , tapi I've bookmarked your blog since a long time ago gara gara review review kamu , dan keterusan sampai sekarang... anyway, we are in the same age , and you're taking a break for a year. I do adore that , I wish I could do the same...
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the giveaway ! keep on the goodjob ! I really keen on your blog, tutorials, and review
Cheers, Faya
Email : faya.khairina@hotmail.com
Hello. I've recently discovered your blog and I like to read your reviews regarding asian cosmetics.I'd like to see more korean recipes. Have a great day!
ReplyDeletee-mail: andreeacrina_24@yahoo.ro
I'd like to see more skincare review on this blog
ReplyDeleteemail : chibi.chibisuke@yahoo.com
more eye makeovers xx
I love random posts, such as good finds and then peppered with food posts xx
ReplyDeletekatch05 at gmail dot com
ccccdream (at) hotmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see some tutorials and a lot of product swatches! :D
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see more reviews from good pruducts and make up tutorial from Kpop Idol Girlgroups and also about lifestyle in South Korea. Thank you sistaaa :)
ReplyDeleteNice giveaway~~ Hmm... I really like the things you're blogging about but I would like to see more about hauls / skin care tips :) Also more personal posts? :D
Face & style is awesome!!!!!Great outfit dear!!!
ReplyDelete[request Notice: You known be happy.My beauty supplies blogs given a poorfound school's name and this site's money give that school.
So Every dear User to my request please when visite my site then just only click any Ads.This Money Sent that school,Please help With Me
gfc: miarsi ningsih
ReplyDeleteemail: miarsiku at gmail dot com
i want to see more make up reviews
Hi, Lala :3 you have such a nice blog <3 I'd like to see more reviews from various korean brands ^^
ReplyDeletegfc: foxfiechan
email: foxfire.nights@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI love when you do skin care posts.
I'm a bit of a skin care junkie myself, so i love seeing the newest and greatest products!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see your Kpop MV Tutorial
aah, tadi ketinggalam masukin nationality di atas. Disini aja gpp ya La. heheh
i loveee you DIY & recipe post! Suka banget sama tips2 dari kamu. Simpel dan berguna. :D
email : monika.prasetya@gmail.com
ReplyDeletejujur, suka semua postingannya soalnya simple tapi ngena..hehe, lebih banyakin homemade ataunatural skincare review.. hehe makasih.. :D
Ikutan juga ya La ^_^
ReplyDeleteEmail : kornelia.luciana@gmail.com
Aku suka sama review-reviewmu, fotonya jelas banget dan makeup kamu juga bisa bikin inspirasi buatku ^_^
Sering-sering buat tutorial boleh? :D
Seneng lihat hasil makeup orang ^_^
Wish me luck ya ^_^
Email: hasuhana.mail@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHmm, I love the recipe, and I love to read some tips. Gimme more, hehe ;)
XOXO, Hasuhana
email : vomo2005@gmail.com
ReplyDeletewah..ultah qt sama..20 april..seneng bgt ada yg ultah pas d hari yg sama...
pgn bgt ada byk review'an ttg rambut, entah itu colouring, atau hair threatment
ReplyDeleteMore make up reviews.
hi, we love etude house!
hmmm more korean beauty reviews^^
Hello, i like how you design your blog, pls teach me, how to put cute arrow or cute share fb twitter button.
ReplyDeleteLike the Etude brand, hope i'm getting the luck from you.
I love your blog design, la :D
ReplyDeleteDan banyakin review2 sama segala macem yang berbau korea yaaaa :D
nama kita sama yah.. sama sama lala
ReplyDeleteI guess peach or mint would be perfect for me. The product looks very nice and I love Etude House :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I like reading your reviews the most!
ReplyDeletebanyakin review nya yaak..
ReplyDeleteAku suka review kosmetiknya sekalian banyakin tutorialnya ya.. Buat referensi beauty blogger yang lain :)
ReplyDeletei would like to see more etude house reviews
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see more hauls, reviews, NOTD.
Email : andrasescu.camelia@gmail.com
Thank you!
would love to see more reviews ~
thank u
ReplyDeleteshoes haul please!!
ReplyDeletepernah ngepost tentang perawatan rambut nggak? siapa tau punya saran saran ^^
ReplyDeleteI love to read hauls and reviews about cosmetics! :D
ReplyDeleteI love tutorial, and reviews :)
Thanks for the reviews, they are incredibly helpful when I look for reference online! I wonder if those nice cosmetics you tell us about suit people with incredibly pale face though~
ReplyDeleteI love read about new products and brands!
ReplyDeleteI love reviews :)
ReplyDeleteI like everything you post on your blog: recipes, tips, of course the reviews and makeup tutorials are my favorites♥ I'd like to read more about all this ^^
Hi, I love you having many reviews on makeup and they're all new and refreshing :D Definitely look forward to more reviews and tutorials ;D
ReplyDeletei would like to see more reviews on make up and make up tutorial! ^^
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see more Etude House reviews Perhaps maybe Elianto if you've heard of it?
ReplyDeleteaq suka sama review2 produk kamu :)
thx ya :)
ReplyDeletepengennya diadain perbandingan produk dari merek berbeda, bisa jadi pertimbangan kalau mau beli produknya :)
ReplyDeletesorry i forgot to write nationality in one of the above options. I am PAKISTANI
i would love to see more DIY posts on your blog.
I am from Belarus!
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more make-up tutorials!
Thank you for the chance!
I would like to see more reviews on korean products and makeup tutorials! :D
ReplyDeleteEmail: bellaterentia(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'd love to see more korean products review: I love those brands!
ReplyDeletegfc - Alenia
Email : jessychen22@rocketmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would like to see more about products Review, DIY & Tips
also the giveaway, ~ xixii
HI!!! HBD!!
ReplyDeletemy email is: momo.mselene@gmail.com
Thank you for the giveaway! I just know your blog, but I really love reviews and DIY, I think they are very usefull!
Email : biggestw@gmail.com
ReplyDeletemore n more n more review of beauty product^^
Email: tone48cg@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway! I love all the reviews, tutorials and diy!!!!!!!
Email: Konnichiwa_yunita@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday in advance! These days there has been no way to follow your blog by gfc, but it seems that it goes better
I love your reviews and your diy's
ReplyDeleteId like to see more korean products reviews and hauls. thanks for the giveway
how cool I really like the Magic Mint :D
ReplyDeleteHalo ^^
ReplyDeleteThanks for this giveaway~
And happy b'day for you ^-^
Email : exo.luhan2220@gmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway honey! ♥
ReplyDeletei would like to see beauty reviews, tutorials and something like this! :D
My email: black.cherry.blog@gmail.com
Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteI don't have bloglovin & instagram TuT
New interesting product posts and "what I finished" posts.
ReplyDeleteannabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI want to see more product reviews!
Hi! Thank you so much! i wanted to review this product *u*
ReplyDeletemy mail is
ReplyDeletetutorial. haul and review products :D
some cosmetic reviews that are available in Germany. maybe a nice matte nude colored lipstick without glitter? so damn hard to find one here.
ReplyDeleteah sorry. forgot my email: judithchen@live.com
ReplyDeletemail palemona@libero.it
ReplyDeletei love tutorials
I would love to see more about Korean makeup and skincare, and your natural beauty posts are great too!
ReplyDelete:) My e-mail is Mrs.Valerio30@yahoo.com! I would love to try the Magic Mint, because I have really pigmented red skin and I've been trying everything and nothing works to cover it!
ReplyDeletemore of lip tints! and how to apply it perfectly!
ReplyDeleteI want to see hair tutorial :-)
I love tutorials (or all kinds) hauls, and reviews!
ReplyDeletemy email is: megnate at telus dot net
ReplyDeletehope u can give simple tutorial. maybe hair tutorial and review product <3
ReplyDeletehope u can give simple tutorial. maybe hair tutorial and review product <3
Hope that i win
ReplyDeletebanyakin review the face shop dong say ;)) sama tutorial pake eyeliner yang simpel > <
love your post so much! god bless!
Thank you for the chance! I like nail and make up tutorials with photos the best.
ReplyDeletespamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
DIY posts!
Hy Ade Kumala, Here my blog in giveaway ETude from you
I choose number 2. Magic Mint
email : zulfa17061990@gmail.com
I want to see your review with the Peach one, since you know. I'm asian, and I'm also an Indonesian. So, I have yellow-ish skin. So yeah.. :) Looking forward for your next review.
I love to see recipes :)
ReplyDeleteAnd reviews too :)
I love to see makeup tutorials more and beauty product reviews or DIY's
I would like to see more Korean Beauty Products Reviews and somehow tutorials on your looks ! My email is iamnhinguyen203@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway and happy birthday in advance! '
ReplyDeleteI think make up tutorials would be awesome and a few korean beauty product reviews! I'm really interested in them atm and love you eye make up! ^w^
Thanks for this giveaway!!! I like very much tutorials about how make up ayes!
My email is animevocaloidgeek@gmail.com :D
ReplyDeleteI would definitely like more beauty product reviews because they definitely help me!