Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Review: Nature Republic Super Origin Complete Control Cream (Brightening)

Actually BB cream have become an essential product to my daily makeup routine for the last 2 years, but there is a new beauty trend called CC cream now.
And yes I know that CC cream is extremely popular in Korea lately!

Luckily, I won a giveaway from W2Beauty on their Facebook 2 months ago. And I got this Nature Republic Super Origin CC Cream. Thank you Alice~ 

CC cream also known as Color Control, Color Correcting, Correct & Care, and many more depending on the brands. And this one from Nature Republic stands for Complete Control. Actually there are 3 types of CC cream under their Super Origin collection.
Color Change, Brightening, and Tinted. As you can see that I got mine in Brightening.
I do not know why but it only has SPF 25 PA ++ while the other two has SPF 30 PA ++, however it's more than enough for me la xD

Almost all of the instructions on the box are written in Hangeul and I could not read them at all duhh, but I understand some interesting things. The box is made from eco-friendly paper and there are also some Braille on the box for blind people!
And it's free from 7 artificial formulas that terrible for our skin such as paraben, mineral oil, alcohol, etc. But I still do not recommend this product for those who have extremely sensitive skin because it contains fragrance ughh >___<
After all, it still contains a lot of good natural ingredients, such as marine collagen, ceramide, vitamin C derivatives, and many plant extracts (flowers and leaves)~


It comes in a squeeze tube with an attached pump. It's really hygienic, but sometimes it was really hard for me to pump the product out err -___-

And here is the swatch on my hand~

Actually the color is similiar to other CC creams from different brands, it starts out white at first, and adjusts to your skin tone as you apply. The texture is slightly thicker, but it's still easy to blends. Unfortunately it has an artificially floral scent, and it's quite strong for my nose *sigh~ (≧д≦)

As you can see, it really brightens my skin and it gives subtle glowy finish, so my skin looks healthier. And it's very moisturizing, so.. sometimes I skip to use a moisturizer when I use this product lol xD

And as you can see, it does not give any coverage at all. So, I prefer to use it as a base before I use my BB cream, or sometimes I just use this CC cream and apply a concealer if I was too lazy lol

Overall, I am satisfied with this product, because I love the glowy effect on my skin~
And for your information, I have combination skin.. oily on the T-zone and my cheeks tend to be dry, so I did not use this product too much on my T-zone area. But to be honest, it feels a little bit greasy after 3 - 4 hours. So, I think this CC cream is good especially for those who have dry skin type.

 Love :
✩ Has SPF 25 PA++
✩ Contains a lot of natural ingredients.
✩ Very light on my skin.
✩ Moisturize my skin.
 Doesn't break me out.
✩ Brighten my face and gives a healthy glow.

 Hate :
✩ Contains fragrance and it smells quite strong.
✩ Doesn't give any coverage at all.

If you are interested to try this CC cream, you can purchase it HERE!
W2Beauty is one of the trusted Korean online shop, they offer free shipping worldwide without minimum purchase. And the shop owner is Alice, she is very friendly and pretty lol xD

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Thanks for reading and have a lovely day, girls ^^

See ya~ 


  1. kebetulan banget aku juga baru beli cc cream Nature Republic, tapi yang color change. kaget sekaligus kagum juga ada huruf Braillenya, karena selama ini beli produk Korea belum ada yang seperti itu :D

    1. wah kalo aku malah penasaran banget sama yg color change, review dooong~ hihi
      iya aku jg baru pertama kali liat produk Korea yg ada huruf Braille nya, tapi tetep aja gak paham meski udah ngeraba2 berulang kali wkwk xD

  2. mirip2 aja yaa hasilnya sm cc cream lainn.. ud nyobain 3 cc cream korea dan ud males nyobain lg la.. hahaha.. lmyan deh baca review km jd bs tau ttg cc cream NR :D

    1. iya ce hasilnya hampir sama kayak merk lain, gitu2 aja >_< bener, lama2 jadi bosen juga yak, tapi aku baru nyobain ini sm etude house doang seh wkwk :P

  3. bikin cerah dikulit kamu say
    sayangnya cc cream ini keliatannya coveragenya ngga bagus ya,ngga bisa nutupin jerawat

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