Saturday, June 1, 2013

DIY: Green Tea Facial Scrub

Hello everyone!
Do you love green tea? If you ask me, my answer is.. YES, I love green tea so much!
I drink it almost everyday lol xD

Well.. next time after you drink your green tea, please don't throw away the teabag because you can change it to your own facial scrub~

So, today I'm going to share my new DIY video to all of you. Say hello to my bare face~
It's super simple, quick and easy to do.
All you need are a bag of green tea and a tablespoon of honey.

It's a great natural exfoliant to scrub off your dead skin cells, clean out your clogged pores, and brighten your skin. I recommend you to use this scrub at least once a week!
Honestly, I know this great recipe from BubzBeauty. It works very very well on my sensitive skin when I tried it for the first time. And you can also use it as a body scrub.

And sorry for the bad quality video and all of my mistakes that I've done here and there. This is my first DIY video, you know errr.. because I was too lazy to take pictures of the steps one by one with my dirty hands when everything looks messy, so.. video is the best choice, huh? And also.. sorry for some blurry scenes, I didn't realize that I was change my 'standar' camera settings into the 'compact' one *sigh (≧д≦)

Btw.. I know actually this is out of topic lol, but sometimes when I was bored to drink green tea, I'd drink black tea instead, and my favorite is Tea Caramel flavoured Black Tea from Lipton. Oh my god it really smells like caramel, and it tastes so amazing! I highly recommend you to try this tea if you love caramel too~ ( ̄∀ ̄)

Okay, that's all for today~
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day, girls ^^

See ya~ 


  1. nice share, gampang juga bahannya, coba ahhh
    makasih yaaa

  2. Green tea is awesome ^^ It's so good for you! Nice video :)

    1. Yes, you're right~! And thank you so much dear ^^

  3. wah inspirasi nya luar biasa, mau di coba

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