Hello everyone, I'm back with another giveaway ^^
Omo I hit 500+ folowers now, a massive thank you to all of my lovely readers who has supported this blog. I'm nothing without all of you, guys.
And as my gratitude to you, I decided to host this giveaway tee-hee~
And these are the prizes that you can win:
Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil 60ml
Lioele 3D Lifting Mask
Silky Girl Gentle Eye & Lip Makeup Remover
Silky Girl Hi-Definition Waterproof Mascara
Maybelline Cheeky Glow in Peachy Sweetie
Revlon Super Lustruous Lipstick in Ginger Rose
Revlon Nail Enamel in Touch of Mauve
Talika Mini Eyelash Curler
Talika Hand Ritual Kit Serum (sample)
Skin Food Fresh Apple Sparkling Pore Emulsion (sample)
Kose Sekkisei Supreme Makeup Base (sample)
All of them are brand new! I hope that all of you will like them (^ε^)
Well.. Sorry, this giveaway is only open for my Indonesian readers. Sorry for my international readers. I think these prizes aren't feasible to worldwide and I'm very broke, so I can't afford the cost of international shipping now, unless you'll be responsible for the shipping cost. Just kidding lol (≧▽≦)
But I planned to host another international giveaway as soon as possible~
To enter this giveaway, you must follow this blog via GFC publicy
and just fill the Rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The lucky winner will be contact via email and the winner have 2 x 24 hours to reply, or I'll choose a new winner.
And please note to BE HONEST and DON'T CHEAT or you'll be disqualified!!
I'll definitely check all of your entries one by one!
Good luck everyone!!!

Congrats on 500++ followers la~
ReplyDeleteI'm most excited with Lioele 3D lifting mask~ I never try 3D mask before, that's why I want to try it :D
Email: laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
hello Lala, nice to knowin u :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 500 followers by the way ^^
I wanna try the silky girl hi definition mascara..because I'm a mascara fetish :D
my email is mangeliner(at)yahoo(dot)com
Congrats on 500+ followers lala ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm most excited to try maybelline cheeky glow in peachy sweetie because lately i'm into peachy mood. Lol. :p
Email :
Congratulations ^-^
ReplyDeleteI am stuck between the kose cleanser-because my skin is really dry and i have been using a gel cleanser recently but it just seems to make it worse or the maybelline cheek glow because it seem like a really nice colour that would brighten up my pasty skin haha :)
congrats laaa :D
ReplyDeletepengen banget coba eyelash curlernya, kayaknya bagus :O
ikutan ya ^^
ReplyDeletehadiah yang saya inginkan lipstik ma kuteknya dari revlonnya...^^
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ReplyDeletemakasih ya udah bkin giveaway. ini prtma kalix q ikutan giveaway. smoga bs dpet hdiahx. n congrats on 500+ followers. :)
ReplyDeleteq sih pengen yang revlon lipstick ginger rose, karena aq suka bnget pake lipstick n aq msih blum punya ipstick dengan wrna ini, jd buat nambah koleksi jg. :)
Congratz ya ^^
ReplyDeletei wanted to try kose softymo speedy cleansing oil ..^^
i heard this is great cleansing oil ^^
i would like try the Lipstick.. since i have no any of them :)
ReplyDeleteWish me luck laa..
thank you..
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ReplyDeletehi Lala..I'm excited to try the silkygirl mascara,because I'm looking for a good mascara now and curious how it work on my eyelashes.Thankyou
Hi Lala .
ReplyDeleteCongrats for the 500 Followers .
I am excited to try the Revlon Nail Enamel in Touch Mauve , because the nail color looks great ^^
Email :
Wish me Luck
congratulation dear!
ReplyDeletei want try kose cleeaning oil, i relly curious about that product..
congrats dear ^^
ReplyDeletetalika mini eyelash curler, soalnya bulu mataku hampir ga ada :p
Kose cleansing oil!
ReplyDeleteBanyak review bagus T__T
Btw congrats for 500 followers giveaway
email :
kose cleaning oil ^^ lotsa people said that it is a great product <3
ReplyDeleteI'm interesting with Talika Mini Eyelash Curler because it's cute ^^ and Maybelline Cheeky Glow in Peachy Sweetie because I want to try a blush *blushing*
Thank you ^_^/
ReplyDeleteI'm interesting to Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil,
because I've seen a lot of good review about this product and been curious to it..:)
congrats for 500 followers..
good luck and fighting..!!!
Congratulations for 500 followers.
ReplyDeleteKose cleansing oil, there's so much good reviews floating around in blogosphere about it. And I'm really interested to try <3
email :
ReplyDeletecongrats fro 500 followers lala ^^
aku pingin cobain kose softymo speedy cleansing oil, karena coba" beberapa merek blm nemu yang pas di hati ^^
thanks for the giveaway lala >.<
yay congrats on hitting 500 follower! :D
ReplyDeleteaku tertarik sama Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil 60ml dan Lioele 3D Lifting Mask hehehe
thanks! :)
pengen Maybelline cheecky Glow..karena lagi suka banget make blush on...udah 2 minggu ini lagi getol2nya make...
Hi Lala!!! congratss yah dear 500 followers :D
ReplyDeleteaku tertarik banget buat nyoba kose softymo nya sama talika mini eyelash curler >,<
thanks ^^
congrats zaw say udah 500 followers,,,
ReplyDeletepgen kose softymo reviewnya pada bagus jadi tertarik tapi lum kesampaian,,,
congrats for so many follower :)
ReplyDeleteI'm interest with the revlon lipstick..
wish me luck :)
Congratssss ya Ade, waaah km keren sekaaaali! Masih muda & sangat berbakat memanage sebuah beauty blog seperti ini!
ReplyDeleteAku kepengen Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oilnya, wish me luck!
Thank you... ^_^
Halooo la :D congrats for your 500+ followers ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm very excited to try Kose cleansing oil :3 I heard it's really good!
my email:
thankyou for this giveaway ;)
Congrats for 500+ followers :D
ReplyDeleteEmail :
I want to try the silky girl eye & lip remover because I don't have eye&lip remover yet. And then the Revlon super lustrous lipstick because it's rated good by some site and yet it's been discontinued or so I heard :(
Thanks for giveaway
Congrats for 500+ followers!
I'd want to try the Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil since all my makeup removers sting my eye -_-
Thank you for the giveaway!
aku mau nyoba semuaaaaanyaaaa hahahha
ReplyDeletecongrats 500++ followers ya !
email :
congrats ya buat followernya hehehe
and i really excited to try kose softymo..
thanks for giveaway, dear
Hi! Congratz for the 500++ followers!
ReplyDeleteemail address:
Well, mau nyobain Kose Softymonya sama Maybelline Cheeky Glownya! Ihihihi.. kalo kosenya soalnya lagi mau nyobain cleansing oil (biasanya pake milk cleanser) dan banyak yang review kose bangus. trs kalau maybellinenya pengen nyobain karena warnanya kelihatan cantik.. ^^
Congrat's ya, karena followernya sudah menembus angka 500+ ^_^
Aku pengen banget nyoba Silky Girl Gentle Eye & Lip Make Up removernya >.<
Soalnya aku belum punya yang begituan....^^
Wish me luck....^^
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ReplyDeleteCongrats yaaa!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to try the revlon one! <3
email :
wml :)
huwa huwa huwa.... hadiahnya menggiurkan niih..
ReplyDeleteaku ikutan yah, emailku
oiyah, lupa isi jmlah follower di bloglovin, tapi aku udah follow ^^
mau lipstick ginger rosenya revlon >.<
congrats yaahh >.<
ReplyDeleteaku pengen banget coba Kose Speedy Softymo sama Revlon Nail Enamel-nya~~
soalnya banyak yang bilang Kose itu bagus banget + cepet ngebersihin make up. terus aku juga penasaran sama Revlon Nail Enamel soalnya banyak yang bilang warnanya baguuss
my email:
ReplyDeleteAku tertarik sama lipstick Revlon-nya Dear :)
di up date terus blognya ya :)
Aku pengen banget dapet Talika Eyelash Curler karena aku belum pernah liat temenku ada yang pake tapi udah pernah tau sih kalo ada.. hehe Penasaran banget cara pakenya gimana
waiting for the international give away :))))
ReplyDeletelala!! congrats ya udah dapet 500+ followers ^^
ReplyDeletemau ikutan pengen nyobain lioele 3D Lifting mask nya..
email :
ReplyDeletesilky girl mascara. karena itu waterproof, ga pernah coba yg waterproof xD
Join my first giveaway and win Thboxes accessories of your choice
hai Lala..
ReplyDeletethanks for the giveaway..
Congrats on your 500+ folls ^^
I wanted to try the Kose Cleansing oil because some bloggers said it was good.
hy,, sorry i say in bahasa :)
ReplyDeleteselamat yaa buat 500+ followers
untuk giveaway yang kali ini, ku pingin banget nyobain
"maybeline Cheeky Glow In Peachy Sweetie"
ku emang doyan banget yang namanya blusher sekeluarganya hehee
I hope get it :) heheee
suka silky girl hi-definition waterproof mascara... :)
ReplyDeletei'm so excited for the revlon
ReplyDeleteforgot the reason!i have tried revlon's lipstcik once before by a friend and i was very impressed!
DeleteAbsolutely Revlon Ginger Rose. Warnanya bagus, dan revlon ga pernah mengecewakan kelembaban bibir aku :)
ReplyDeleteI am very excited about this giveaway....
ReplyDeletethe Revlon lipstick is great
make up make up..i want it!!
ReplyDeleteI am excited about the mini eyelash curler, because I've never own a travel-sized eyelash curler before and it sound very convenience for those who are socially active! I am excited about the Lifting Mask too, I've never tried one before.
ReplyDeleteI've entered. Pls count me in! <3
email: risya271(at)yahoo(dot)com
I'm excited about the lipstick, lipsticks are my favourite makeup item :)
Hi tanks for this oportunity!
ReplyDeleteI'm most excited about Revelon Nail Enamel in Touc of Mauve.
Lioele 3D lifting mask
Lipstick :D
Congrats :)
ReplyDeleteyou very nice blog, and fantastic giveaway :)
Hy Lala,congrats for the 500+ followers
ReplyDeleteNice giveaway anyway,I'm joined it!
I am excited about the mini eyelash because I never try it before,hehehe
my e-mail : yusrianiiy(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)id ^^
Congratulation for your 500++ followers! Glad to be part of them! ^^
ReplyDeleteMy email:
And I'm most excited with the Maybelline Cheeky Glow in Peachy Sweetie, because it looks so lovely and i would like to see my cheek turns peachy with it! ^^
Hi Lala,congratulation for your 500++ followers!!
ReplyDeleteI'm most exited with revlon lipsticks because i'm revlon lovers ^^
email :
Hi Lala, congratz on your 500++ followers ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm most excited to try the 3d mask one, because I never tried them before :D
my e-mail :
thank you for the giveaway ^0^
hi, this is my email:
i love maybelline, and I wanna try Cheeky glow in peachy sweetie ^^
its look great and can make my soul outside :P
Thanks for holding this, Dear
hi! im wita, this my email:
ReplyDeletei want to try lifting mask, why? because im so interest of that;)
thx girl, u rock!
Join :D
ReplyDeleteI want Skin Food Fresh Apple Sparkling Pore Emulsion.
maybelline cheeky glow penasaran sama warnanya :)
ReplyDeletemiarsiku at gmail dot com
simply mo coba kose softymo speedy cleansing oil karna merek jepun >.< katanya juga nice + belum nemu cleansing oil yang ga bikin mata perih T<T
ReplyDeletebtw congrats for 500 followersnya~~
congrats for the 500 followers
ReplyDeletei'd like to try maybelline cheeky glow. penasaran sama warnanya dan kebetulan blush on di rumah sudah hit the pan :P
osa_luna80 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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ReplyDeleteselamat ya uda 500+ follower :D
ReplyDeletemencoba peruntungan nih.. hehe.. aku pengen bangeeettt punya maybelline cheeky glow yg peachy sweetie >.< soalnya kebetulan pas mau beli selalu g ada yg peach :(
tapi aku g ada instagram :( kayaknya bakal kalah sama yg lain ._.
email :
Haiiii...congrats for 500+ follower :-)
ReplyDeleteyou have a great blog & very cool blog giveaway..i really want to try Lioele 3D lifting mask !! coz im mask lovers, i do like the feeling in my skin after using a mask :-D so im very curios with 3D mask!
my email: ehara[dot]putri[at]gmail[dot]com
halo, join giveaway nya ya :)
ReplyDeleteaku pengen banget nyoba maybelline cheeky glow sama silkygirl mascara nya.. soalnya penasaran banget sama 2 item itu dari dulu, di review sama banyak beauty blog juga katanya bagus ^^
I joined!
ReplyDeletemy e-mail is
Prizes yg paling mau aku coba itu Silky girl gentle eye & lip make-up remover :) berikut alasannya:
1. Aku belum pernah coba merk Silky girl, jadi aku pengen banget nyoba :D
2. Aku gak punya make-up remover :( biasanya aku pakai EMC dan kadang aku gak hapus makeupnya...
Sekian :D Nice Giveaway!
ReplyDeleteid like to try kose softymo speedy cleansing oil
ReplyDeleteI'd like to choose revlon super lustruous lipstick
soalnya aku suka banget warnanya cocok buat akuu.
anyway, i'm glad to know that we live in the same city.
Prize I want so bad is Revlon super lustruous lipstick in ginger rose.
ReplyDeleteI never use Revlon lipstick and I want to test it on my own.. :)
hi Lala :D
ReplyDeleteI want Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Ginger Rose, because I still try to find lipstick that match with my skin tone and my dark outer lip. Maybe I can try this lipstick :D
thank you <3
ReplyDeletemaybelline cheeky glow yg peachy sweetie :)
Kose Softymo cleansing oil!! I've been using the speedy variant and it works great! I sweat by this product! too bad it's not widely availble in our country.
ReplyDeletehey cantik :)
ReplyDeletecongrats ya udah dapet 612 followers, dan yang dirayain buat ke 500 followers
aku pingin yang talika eye lash curler, karena curler ilang entah kemana :(
semoga aku menang yaa :)
Hi, congrats for the acvhieve lala..
ReplyDeletepengen banget banget banget dapetin Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil, cz aku engga pernah pake cleansing oil sebelumnya.
wish me luck..
email: dinnanuriia(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi,congrat ya lala :)
ReplyDeleteSemoga aku bisa dapat giveaway soalnya ini pertama kalinya aku ikutan hehe.
alasan lainnya karena aku penasaran pengen nyoba semua produk yang di giveaway itu soalnya semua produk itu di daerahku nggak ada.
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