The band of the upper lashes aren't too stiff like the false lashes from other brands.
It's easier to apply it to your real lashes and it's also very comfortable (^~^)
It's easier to apply it to your real lashes and it's also very comfortable (^~^)
But it's rather difficult for me to apply the lower lashes because they're individual lashes, so I need to apply the lower lashes one by one with a tweezer mehh (≧д≦)
If I apply them too low, I'm sure that it'll looks so fake and weird errr! But I'll practice more to wear the individual lower lashes properly~
If I apply them too low, I'm sure that it'll looks so fake and weird errr! But I'll practice more to wear the individual lower lashes properly~

And here's my look with this limited edition lashes~
To be honest, this is the first time I tried a gyaru look with upper & lower lashes, so.. sorry if it looks failed and messy!!(T Д T)

✩ Hard for me to apply the lower lashes because they're individual lashes >_<

Random Daily Life!!!!
Ughh I miss this blog so much! I'm very sorry for being MIA and didn't update this blog for about 2 weeks, sorry, sorry! Last week, there was a problem with my internet connection for about 5 days. And I'm also very busy with school, busier than ever. Yeah.. My daily life is very boring, so you can skip this if you want.
I don't mean to complain about my school life here, this is my real life and I always tried to be a good student as best as possible. BUT now I'm sick and tired to studying math, biology, physics and chemistry almost everyday. To be honest, I'm not very good at anything. My head feels like exploding and I'm just trying not to die of exhaustion now!
Almost every night, I slept at 12.00 AM because of a pile of homeworks, and I had to wake up at 5.00 AM. Then, I go to school at 6.00 AM until about 4.00 PM. I'm too tired!! And the weekends were a heaven for me, I spent it for enough sleep and watch Running Man to relieve my stress (only for a moment, though). I hope you understand why I prefer to dissapeared from this blog.
But if I have more free time, I'l update this blog (like today).
But if I have more free time, I'l update this blog (like today).
Anyway, I'm going to face the practice exams in next February, school exams in March, and national final exams on 15th - 18th April. Oh btw, 20th April is my 18th birthday lol
And I'll free, COMPLETELY FREE after that...
Wish me luck everyone!
Thanks for reading, and have a lovely day girls ^^
See ya~