My biggest skin problem!
Hello everyone~
Aghhh I'm so frustrated now! I don't know what happened to my skin lately. Well.. actually I have combination, sensitive and acne prone skin. But lately my face became worse.. and worse than before! Redness, large pores, oily on my T-zone, dry + flaky on my U-zone and sooo many pimples everywhere ughh (≧д≦) So, sorry I couldn't review more products for now, I didn't want to aggravate my skin condition.
Usually I use some skincare products from my dermatologist, and all my pimples would dissapear a few days later, but NOT for this time. I honestly have no idea what causes them! Maybe they're the effects of stress at school, huh? And I didn't even use any base and foundation / BB cream since the beginning of this month, so I only use a tiny bit of sunscreen and loose powder wherever I go. And yes.. to be honest, it was so tormented for me! (TДT)
So, these are some pics to show you how bad my skin condition now. Honestly I was so embarassed to expose them to all of you >_<

Can't you see my rash and inflamed skin? Sometimes they itches like hell! >_<

Now I'm trying to drink more water because I know that my skin loves the water, and every weekend I always try to make some DIY masks from natural ingredients like honey, oatmeal, etc.
And I think I need to buy some Innisfree products soon, considering I've never tried them and I heard that Innisfree products are great because their products are eco-friendly, made from natural ingredients and shares the benefits of nature from the pristine island of Jeju. That sounds quite interesting for sensitive skin like mine, right? But I'm so confused which one of their skincare series should I choose? Because I'm afraid that maybe they wouldn't work on my skin. But actually I'm interested with their Green Tea Series~
And I planned to buy some of their products at Shabang Shabang soon. Because they provide PO (Pre-Order) & Ready Stock of authentic Korean beauty products like Innisfree, Holika Holika & Nature Republic with lower prices than other online shops!
Just visit their website, and please sign up first. It's so easy~!

Just fill in your data.

And you're finish~

Next, choose the product(s) that you want to buy, and click 'BELI'.

And it will automatically be added to your shopping cart, and just follow the next instructions.

It's super quick and easy, right?? Maybe I'll buy some new skincare products at this online shop!
Well.. what do you think about my skin? Maybe any suggestions, girls?? (>Д<")
Thanks for reading, have a lovely day ^^
See ya~

waduh kok bs jd kayak gt la? :(
ReplyDeleteget well soon yaaaa...
recently like month ago i got a skin problem too :( im trying some products that i bought in local store but it didnt help me at thinking of ordering etude house ac products =/
ReplyDeleterecently like month ago i got a skin problem too :( im trying some products that i bought in local store but it didnt help me at thinking of ordering etude house ac products =/
ReplyDeleteiya gak tau ce, apa aku alergi kali ya :(
wah lala kasian :(
ReplyDeleteaku mukanya juga sensitif, tapi efek sensitifnya tuh bukan timbul jerawat gitu, tapi muncul putih putih dimuka X(
eh btw theme google chrome kita sama lhoooo :D
ReplyDeletedo you happen to change your skincare regime or makeup? maybe you got some alergic reaction to some ingredients? well.. some tips.. if you like DIY mask.. maybe you can try lemon and aloe vera? Okay.. step by step:1. Scrub some lemon slices over your face.. use it for about 15-20 minutes.. then wash your face2. After you wash your face.. put some aloe vera.. use it for about 15-20 minutes.. wash your faceDo it daily... Lemon can cause photosensitive to your skin, so use it only at night...It works for me.. you might want to give it a shot.. Get well soon dear..
punya sekarang juga suka kayak gitu. kurang tidur + stress jadi pori2nya menganga semua dan jadi bruntusan huhu
ReplyDeleteget well soon ya. kalo ada produk yang nampol boleh lho di-share biar aku juga bisa cb :)
I've the same problem with my skin, I usually have periods where my skin looks good, not beautiful but looks good, but there are periods when it becomes horrible. I get frustrated too bad step and since people aren't friendly about it.
ReplyDeleteA few weeks ago my skin was the same, but I started using a soap~ I don't know if it sold in Indonesia, but the brand is GRISI and Sulfur soap is. It's really good and helped me a lot~ so now I'm in a good period of my skin, but are still scars :(
Ohhhh not really know what to say to cheer in those days almost nothing comforts me. Sorry u___u
Hi ^^ Great post and thanks for sharing, yes skin needs a lot of water. But not only that a great diet with loads of veggies and fruits will help, if you eat alot of oily foods it may cause oily skin and therefore acne.
it would go away eventually with proper skincare....^_~ Your skin condition ain't that bad compared to my mine..Mine is with huge cystic acne and redness all over but it eventually went away after using a suitable skincare products =) I'm pretty sure, your skin will be good in no time =)
ReplyDeleteiya gak tau nih kenapa mukaku jadi mendadak bruntusan parah gini :( lho putih2 gimana maksudnya? o_O
ReplyDeleteoya? sehati dong wkwk toss dulu~ XD
Umm I don't think so, but actually I tried some new products only once for reviews before, and I immediately stopped using them >_< well.. I've never tried aloe vera before, so I'll try it next weekend and I hope it can works for me too, a massive thank you for your helpful tips dear :')
ReplyDeletewah emang kurang tidur juga bs jadi faktor penyebab bruntusan ya? o_O aku lagi uts ini jadi akhir2 ini sering begadang buat belajar / ngerjain pr >_< terus di kamu bisa hilang nggak? gimana caranya?
ReplyDeleteokay thank you yaa, kalo ada produk yg sukses ngilangin nih breakout pasti bakal langsung ku share kok :D
Honestly though my skin was in a good time, there's always 2-3 small pimples on my face. Aghh I'm so jealous of those girls who have clear skin without any pimples, but I tried to be grateful even though it was quite difficult >_<
ReplyDeleteReally? I'm googling it now, and yeah too bad that it's not sold in Indonesia *sigh :( but actually I found a similiar soap in here, the brand is JF Sulfur, but I've never tried it.But thank you for sharing it with me dear ^^
Hi! You're welcome dear~ Oh actually I hate veggies, ugh they tasted so bad (for me) >_< but I'm also trying to eat more fruits now. Thank you so much for your suggestions ^^
ReplyDeletewoahh really? o_O I'm glad that it eventually went away ^^
ReplyDeletebut I'm confused what kind of skincare products that suitable for me? >_< but thank you so much for your suggestion dear :)
Don't get embarrassed yourself honey. You are still young and in a condition where you get so much affection from a lot of environments. I used to HATE HATE HATE my skin in my junior high as my BFF at that time was 'acne'. Just like that condition you are affected from. But as I cared my skin, I started getting my skin way better! So, cheer up honey! You will get beautiful skin soon! Just eat healthy food and do exercise sometimes! These will give you a lot of fresh energy! XXX
ReplyDeleteduh saranku mending km jangan sering2 review skincare product deh,kan bisa aja kulitmu kaget kena zat yg beda2 tiap km coba produk baru,jadinya keluar jerawat
ReplyDeletesekali dpt skincare yg cocok jgn digantikalo blm ada yg cocok coba pake oriflame yg greentea, temenku pake itu jerawatnya jd berkurang, padahal sebelumnya pake perawatan dr dokter pun gk ngefek :o
Aww thank you so so so much hun, I'll always keep all your lovely words in my heart :') Okay I'll try your suggestions, I hope my skin will be better soon ^^
ReplyDeletehm iya kali yaa, untuk sekarang aku masih stop ga pake apa2 dulu, masih takut kalo ntar malah jadi parah kan gak lucu >_< iya akunya jg yg salah, kepingin ini kepingin itu, ada produk baru rasanya langsung pengen nyoba aja, jadi ya asal coba2 gitu, kayaknya sekarang harus tutup mata tutup telinga dulu kali ya ._. sekarang aku bingung, apa aku harus stop pake skincare products dari dokterku apa enggak, nah tapi kalo aku stop trs aku pake skincare apa dong? :(
ReplyDeletewah okeoke, ntar aku pikirin dulu deh, barangkali aja ntar cocok di aku hehe thanks a lot atas sarannya ya ^^
ah really? :( I've never tried etude house ac products before, so please review those products if you've tried them later >_< thank you
ReplyDeletehi~ thanks for nominated me dear, I'll check it out asap :) xx
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