Hello everyone~
Nggak mau kebanyakan cingcong, langsung cuus aja yaa..
So, today I got an award from Anggita (kvailas girl). Thank you so much sweetie. And oh I'll use Indonesian language for this time. So, sorry for my international readers.
Nah seperti biasa, award kali ini juga ada rulesnya loh..
- Ceritakan sedikit tentang yang ngasih award
- Award ini tanpa batas karna berbentuk estafet
- Yang nerima WAJIB memberikan kepada 7 Blogger terbaik
Nggak mau kebanyakan cingcong, langsung cuus aja yaa..
Jadi, kayak yang udah ku bilang diatas tadi, aku dapet award ini dari Anggita. Diliat dari profil blognya ternyata dia masih muda banget, baru umur 13 tahun, masih imut2nya *hiks~ jadi ngerasa tua nih*. Tapi menurutku dia termasuk seorang Blogger yang perlu diacungin jempol. About blognya sih, baguuus.. Cute gimana gituu. Aku juga sering mbaca postingannya, dia sih lebih sering ngeblog tentang life storynya dia, tapi tetep seru kok rasanya mbaca cerita2 kesehariannya dia. Dia juga sering ngeblog yang lainnya juga loh, kayak lirik lagu, gambar2 dari tumblr yng unik2, dll.
Pokoknya, you must visit her blog!
Okay, saatnya ngasih award ini ke 7 Blogger lain. Daaan inilah 7 butir yang terpilih haha..

aww... thank you so much dear ^^
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome hun ;)
DeleteHello :) a blogwalker here, very nice award and you have a nice blog here.
ReplyDeleteFollowing you now dear :)
mind to check mine too ?
See you and nice to meet you
noniq.blogspot.com ^^
Hello sweetie :)
DeleteThanks for visited & followed mine, of course I'll check yours & I'll follow you back :D
Nice to meet you too ;)
Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.njhomebrewsupply.com |
That would make a sense to them as they are working hard to achieve good result.
ReplyDeletedorchestersc4business |
It's good that they have been able to provide enough information about the issue.
ReplyDeletetipability |