Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Harry Potter! ♥

Yes, it all ends now! Boohoo~ ( ̄へ ̄)
I'm sad, no more Harry Potter in the future! (T_T)
Well.. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2 was released on 29th July here in Indonesia.
Hell yeah I know I know it was so late, and it made me almost fainted lol.
Sooo, 2 days ago my friends and I went to Ciputra World to watch it yay~ ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

Marta, Irma, me

Gee, idk what happened with this picture. It's soo bad! (゚д゚)

Rizky and I
Waited the movie to start. It's a horrible picture lol (^▽^)
Yes, it was 3D movie. It was really really great! I want to watch it again and again haha (≧∇≦)

Homg all the new yukatas are really amazing! I'm so excited!! o(^^o)(o^^)o
Well.. I have school tomorrow *sigh*. Idk but I'm very lazy to go back to school, and it means tomorrow I'll meet him wtf! (#゚Д゚)
And sorry, maybe I'll be busy so I can't update this blog on school days. I hope you understand. (´・ω・`)
Btw, enjoy this video! I fell in love with this song at the first hearing ♥
And about the singers, they're a girls group and yes I know they similar like SNSD, but I think they're different! (’-’*)
see ya~♥

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I'm Back! ♥

Yes I really know that I haven't blogged in a million years lol( ´∀`)
I've disappeared for a month and now I'm back! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
But I had the reasons why I left this blog. So many things happened in last month.
Some good news & bad news has come in the same month, yeah life is full of interruptions & complications, and I know they'll never ends! *sigh* Σ(゚Д゚|||)
I'm not prepared to accept this realities!
Well.. it all opened with a good new. On 9th July my brother got married yay~

Guess what, which am I in that picture??
I was wearing a blue dress and I was holding a white purse and looked up into the sky haha( ^∀^)

Err.. Sorry for bad photo quality(・A・)
Then, some bad news came to my life.. First, I've lost one of the most important people in my life. A few days after my brother's wedding, my beloved grandma passed away. (ToT)
I think of her every daaaay. Usually I went to her house every Saturday night but now she has a new home, in a place I can't visit.
I hope now she's happy in there..
Second, 2 weeks ago I've lost 'him' too. But a thing that can kill me inside is.. I still can meet him everyday at school 'cause he's my classmate!! (* ̄m ̄)
He've played me, hurted me and cheated me, wtf~ I must to forget him and all about him SOON!!!! (゚ペ)
That's perfect, huh? ( ̄ー ̄)
I was down after all that happened, so that's the reasons why I left this blog.
But thanks God, now I've risen from that adversity.ヽ(´▽`)/
And about my poupee, Lucky Bags has been OPENED yesterday!
I bought all the ribbon ones and I like almost all the items in the ribbon bags.O(≧∇≦)O

P.S : Happy fasting to all Muslims♥ *(^O^)*